Today I welcome Jeannie Waters as my guest blogger. Jeannie and I met at a writers’ conference several years ago. We continue to connect each week to pray together and share our writing journeys. I appreciate her wisdom and heart and share it with you today. You can read more about Jeannie at the end of her post.
Sometimes we overlook what’s right in front of us but was there all along.
Reaching for a jacket before going to shop for a new lamp, I noticed something in the closet I’d overlooked. An old lamp stored on the shelf matched the décor of the guest room perfectly. And, it had been there all along. I just didn’t see it.
Yes, I found a lamp, but it wasn’t the only thing I’d been seeking.
Seeking God’s will
Like many at the beginning of the year, I weighed my wins and losses in 2019. I prayed for God to reveal His will for me in 2020, asking:
As I prayed and thought about the year ahead, Romans 12:2 came to mind.
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
The words “good and acceptable and perfect” caught my heart. That’s what I longed for—God’s perfect will in each facet of my life. But how would I know what He wanted this year? A favorite verse held the answer:
“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
I will counsel you with my eye upon you.” Psalm 32:8
What a relief!
He will instruct; I will listen.
Listening and obeying are my responsibilities, while instructing and counseling are His. Whew! What a relief!
He will counsel; I will obey.
God guides believers who study the Bible, the authoritative source for discerning His will (2 Timothy 3:16-17). We can be sure God never contradicts His Word.
Like the lamp that sheds light in my guest room, essential guidance for life lies within my reach—on the pages of my Bible, “a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Psalm 119:105).
“Knows” and “Nos”
As we study the Bible, we find clear instructions we know to follow. Let’s call them the “knows.” Combining those truths with the attitudes and actions God forbids—the “nos”—we can begin to discern His will for our lives as we depend on the Holy Spirit to guide us (John 14:26).
From God’s Word, we KNOW:
And some familiar NOs for God’s children are:
Perhaps you’ll add to the lists above with your own “knows” and “nos” as you consider God’s will for your life in 2020. You might list verses that speak to your heart in two columns—what God wants and what He speaks against.
Scripture is a wise place to start as we as seek His will. When we study the Word this year, we can trust God to remind us to guide us to what was there all along as He applies it to us individually.
Sometimes we miss what’s right in front of us—extraordinary treasures from God’s Word that apply to our ordinary days.
Would you share an example of how God’s Word teaches and guides you?
(All Bible verses are from the ESV).
Jeannie Waters is a wife, mom, and grandmother who adores family fun and the Georgia Bulldogs. A retired educator, she leads an English Club-Bible study for second language learners. Jeannie writes for Refresh Bible Study Magazine, In the Quiver, and the Christian Broadcasting Network. She contributed to Breaking the Chains, Heart Renovation: A Construction Guide to Godly Character, and The Power to Make a Difference (Lighthouse Bible Studies), as well as two devotional books. Visit Jeannie at for ideas on Brightening Someone’s Day. Connect with her on social media @jeanniewaters44.
The Conversation
“Knows and Nos”; I don’t think I could love this idea any more than I do. Never thought to look at God’s word from that perspective ladies. The amazing thing for me about God’s word is that it is a never-ending source of study. No matter how many times I’ve read and studied a verse, it seems with each new look the Holy Spirit reveals something more. Just recently, he used John 10 as a lesson for me while feeding my cattle. Absolutely loved this post Ms. Jeannie. Just when I thought Ms. Marilyn’s posts couldn’t get any better, she ups her game by tag-teaming with another amazing Christian voice. God’s blessings ladies.
Thank you, J. D., for reminding us how God continues to teach us even through familiar verses. I sometimes find myself searching for answers or goals that are plainly spelled out in the Bible. Praying and studying are beneficial partners. We appreciate your comments!
Wow! Such a simple concept of reflecting on each devotional or Bible reading into 2 categories! I always have inspiration and insight that could be a KNOW or NO depending on how much I am listening to God’s instructions. Thank you Jeannie for the practical application to help me on my spiritual journey!
Barbara, I’m thankful you found the post helpful, and I’m glad you highlighted the importance of listening to God as we read and study. I need practical application tips, too. Thank you for reading and commenting.
“Scripture is a wise place to start we as seek His will. When we study the Word this year, we can trust God to remind us to guide us to what was there all along as He applies it to us individually.”
Oh, Jeannie, you so nailed it! So many people today are looking for “new revelation” when everything we need — direction, wisdom, counsel, courage, promises — are sitting here right in front of us. We don’t need another movement or another “word.” We have THE Word, and it is “suitable for instruction, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness.” Well said and SO timely for this present generation. I appreciate the reminder.
Lori, thank YOU for wise reminders! God inspired writers of the Bible to pen His letter to us. The more we pray and study, the more He teaches us. He is our Authority!
Knowing God’s will is the foundation for living in victory. My word for the year is “listen” and that is one key to knowing His will in our every action. His Word is our guide for “knows’ and “no’s.
Barbara, I love the first sentence in your comment: “Knowing God’s will is the foundation for living in victory.” Amen! Listening is a key for knowing His will. Thank you for adding so much!
Yes, it’s been right there all along. There’s nothing new under the sun, but what’s amazing is God’s Word is always fresh and new for each year, each season, each circumstance we face. Thanks for this great reminder of that, Jeannie. Love this!
Penny, I agree that God’s Word is “always fresh and new for each year, each season, each circumstance we face.” Thank you so much for mentioning that wonderful truth.
“Knows and nos”–it’s all there in God’s Word, but you take it to the next step in your message–if we listen and obey. I think I have a problem with the listening aspect. I “know” I’m supposed to be listening for God’s instruction (and I think I am), but sometimes I get distracted by life. Thanks for this timely reminder, Jeannie.
I need to improve my listening skills, too, Katherine. It’s easy to get distracted, isn’t it? It helps me to write my prayer requests in a notebook and record answers, but I still need to “be still and know” and listen more. Thank you for commenting.
I love the “knows” and “nos.” What a great way to look at things. What hit home for me was, “Listening and obeying are my responsibilities, while instructing and counseling are His. Whew! What a relief!” It IS a relief though sometimes I don’t see it that way…it’s important to remember this!