Jesus: The Great Interrupter ~ Guest Writer April White

Today I share my space with my special friend and co-author of Destination Hope: A Travel Companion When Life Falls Apart April White. In her  interrupted life of chronic illness, she has met her Great Interrupter who has made her a warrior of grace. Read on for encouraging words of hope.

Have you ever found yourself trapped in a never-ending cycle of repeat? The ongoing cycle of cooking and cleaning consumes your day, leaving little time for personal activities.

Perhaps your cyclical issue is spiritual. You pound the doors of heaven for hearts to change and mountains to move, and yet nothing. Does it seem the more you pray, the worse things get? You have faith and you believe, but you ask God why is this happening? You’re left longing for something more, something different, something new.

While King Solomon didn’t have to worry about cooking or cleaning, he expresses the cyclical weariness of life in Ecclesiastes 1:2-4,9:

“’Meaningless! Meaningless!”
says the Teacher.
“Utterly meaningless!
Everything is meaningless.”

What do people gain from all their labors
at which they toil under the sun?
Generations come and generations go,
but the earth remains forever.
What has been will be again,
what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun.

Ecclesiastes is classified as wisdom literature. In the first chapter of Ecclesiastes, Solomon makes two claims.

  • First, nothing really satisfies.
  • Second, nothing is really new.

All of creation, including humanity, is stuck in an endless cycle of repeat with nothing new under the sun. Solomon describes the weariness of life as “meaningless.”

Jesus is the Great Interrupter

Nine hundred years after Solomon, Jesus’ miraculous birth destroyed the cyclical “meaningless” Solomon spoke of. The Messiah is the satisfaction of our weary soul’s desire. Christ ushers in a new hope for the weary world.

Jesus our Personal Upgrade

Solomon also wrote the book of Proverbs, known as wisdom literature. Throughout the ancient world, Solomon had a reputation as both the wisest and the most foolish man who ever lived. Solomon believed a firm hold of wisdom and understanding would lead to a blessed life.

  • “Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding.” (Proverbs 3:13)
  • “Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or turn away from them.” (Proverbs 4:5)
  • “Hold on to instruction, do not let it go; guard it well, for it is your life.” (Proverbs 4:13)

When Jesus arrived on the scene, and gave us an unexpected upgrade; a new way to connect with the Almighty. Now we are invited in addition to words of wisdom and understanding to cling to the hand of Emmanuel, God with us.

Get Jesus

The New Testament woman, who’d suffered a chronic bleeding disorder for twelve years, had spent all her resources, traveling to doctors and yet no one could help her. Her life was stuck in a permanent cycle of repeat suffering, repeat payment, repeated dashed hope. Until she heard about Jesus.

“‘If I only touch his cloak, I will be healed.” Jesus turned and saw her. “Take heart, daughter,” he said, “your faith has healed you.” And the woman was healed at that moment.” (Matthew 9:21-22 NIV)

Notice what Jesus said caused her healing? Not her words or her actions, but her faith. This is the only recorded story in Scripture where Jesus refers to a woman as “daughter.” Jesus not only broke the cycle of her illness, but he also gave her a new name and relationship.

In the book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon claimed there was “nothing new under the sun” but he hadn’t met Jesus. In the book of Proverbs, Solomon instructed readers to get wisdom and understanding, but he didn’t have the opportunity to get a grip of Jesus. The woman with the issue of blood is a great example showing us our need to step out and touch Jesus. When we do, we get Jesus.

Jesus is the new interruption to old patterns and old ways of thinking. Newness is Jesus’ specialty. Finding meaning is His reward. Share on X

What cyclical issue are you dealing with? In what way is God extending an invitation for upgraded faith? What did you find when you stepped out?

© 2024 April Dawn White

Dr. April Dawn White is an award-winning author, speaker, coach, and former pharmacist. She is a wife of 26 years and mom to two young adult children, and an arthritic Jack Russell Terrier. April is a rare illness warrior, and she draws strength daily with Jesus, coffee, and afternoon naps. Through her YouTube devotions, blogs, newsletters, and coaching, April helps Christian women to build resilient faith for a messed-up world. Within the pages of her book, Destination Hope A Travel Companion When Life Falls Apart, comes a sisterhood, a bond that is formed only through the mutual understanding of loss and the need to find hope in hard times. Connect with April at



    The Conversation

  1. Katherine Pasour says:

    I’m so thankful Jesus is with us through those hard times. Nothing is impossible for Him. When He healed the woman with the chronic illness, we see His love, compassion, and power. He loves us that way, too. Thank you, April, for this inspiring message of faith. Thank you, Marilyn, for sharing on your blog.

  2. Barbara Latta says:

    Step out and touch Jesus. I love that! He is always the answer. Thanks for sharing Marilyn and April.

  3. Yvonne Morgan says:

    I love how Jesus can interrupt our lives and change everything for the better when we stop and listen. Thanks Marilyn

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