Perseverance 30 Devotions for Faith that Moves Mountains
Want to learn how to persist in your faith? Discover Biblical principles for walking in perseverance no matter what tribulations life throws at you.
What does the word perseverance mean to you? Depending on your current circumstances, it could mean one thing to you and something vastly different to your friend, colleague or family member. You might not currently be experiencing any trials in your life, but make no mistake, they’re coming. If there is anything universal it is that life doesn’t care who you are. It dishes out pain to everyone.
As believers, we’re called to be faithful no matter what.
If you’re currently experiencing pain, hurt, trials, or temptations in your faith, take heart! You’re not alone!
This devotional was compiled to let you know that we all experience pain and suffering in this life, but we’re not alone in the journey. Read the stories and accounts of 30 Devotable authors as they tell you how you can achieve mountain moving faith. Learn from their experiences as they encourage you to walk with the Lord through everything this life has in store for you.
You can learn to persevere through anything and achieve a stronger faith because our God is great, and worthy of praise!
What is in the book?
- 30 Devotions from 30 different authors
- Bible verses and references for your study
- Thought provoking questions to answer and dive deeper in study