Looking for Rest this Christmas Season?

It’s fun to receive holiday invitations in our mailbox. Graphics give us a hint to themes like music notes and candles tor concerts and church events. Or have you received an invitation to an open house with a large script saying, “Please join us”?

Between church and social events, we fit in shopping, wrapping, and baking. Crowded calendar squares are filled with nearly illegible names and times of commitments. Tired and overwhelmed, rarely do we make time for and write in “rest”.  Finding rest is elusive in a crowded month.

Where does rest fit?

Jesus gave us an open invitation to rest: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28 NIV)

Unlike showing up at a concert where we don’t know what’s on the program, or going to a friend’s home and not know what to expect on the menu, Jesus not only extends an invitation but tells us what He offers: rest.

Rest is ours, He says if and when we, “Take my [Jesus] yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:29-30 NIV).

Jesus is not going to give you rest by adding hours to your day. He won’t help you complete twice as much in half the time and He certainly won’t magically clean your house and wrap your gifts so you can nap. Despite all of our activity He offers rest and wants us to fit it in.

He promises rest when we take His well-fitting yoke and connect to learn from Him.

R: reflect and remember His character and promises.

E: engage intentionally to capture His mind and heart.

S: satisfy your soul in Him, not misplaced expectations.

T: take His offer to be yoked and connected so He takes the lead in choices presented for your day.


Sometimes we turn down invitations due to conflicting schedules. Perhaps we’re not interested in attending an event. If we want real rest let’s decide to accept Jesus’ invitation to come and take. We’ll find rest and peace because we have a perfect personal fit.

What about you? How are you finding real rest this season?


If you are looking for meditations during Advent, click here for this free resource.


These hopeful resources offer rest to those who may be struggling. They are available on Amazon and Christianbook.com








    The Conversation

  1. Andrea Merrell says:

    Good one, Marilyn. I saw a post on FB this morning where a woman was holding two tickets in her hand for New Year’s Eve that read, “These tickets give me permission to stay home and go to bed early.” I agree. Rest. 🙂

  2. Marilyn Nutter says:

    Thanks Andrea for adding to the conversation. Rest and peace, Marilyn

  3. Ron Gallagher says:

    Given that it has been a while since you actually published this piece, live around our house this time of year reflects the kinds of things you included in the image you pictured. The light you shined on Jesus’ invitation and your encouraging admonition to purposefully add it to our Christmas routines and rhythms is a welcome serving of spiritual nourishment. May God bless you and your family with a refreshing and rejuvenating helping of that special kind of rest as another Christmas season shifts into high gear.

  4. Thank you Ron. May we all find find the joy of rest. Marilyn

  5. Yvonne Morgan says:

    Wonderful message Marilyn. We can get so busy during the holidays and when I get too busy, I’m not connecting with Christ. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Debbie Wilson says:

    I appreciate His invitation to rest. It’s changed my life!

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