Potpourri and Hope

During the past few weeks, my friend April White and I have been busy launching our book Destination Hope: A Travel Companion When Life Falls Apart.

It’s been busy, fun, encouraging, and yes, exhausting. April and I also accepted writing invitations on other blogs. So this week, as I  take a breath, I’ll offer you a potpourri of hope-filled post written on other sites. Click on the links, read, and visit. You might even want to subscribe and read what my friends J.D. WinigerLori Hatcher, and CBN  offer. You won’t be disappointed.

Surprises & Trust: Is God Enough?

     A Change in Itinerary: Hope for the Journey        
senior woman having coffee alone
Thriving in the Unexpected    

4 Places to Find Unfailing Hope When Life Takes a Turn
How can we fill a room with the fragrant potpourri of hope? What spoke to you today?


    The Conversation

  1. What a blessing it is to call you “friend” in addition to Sister in Christ Ms. Marilyn. Am always inspired and encouraged by your heartfelt posts, and am looking forward to your return soon ma’am. God’s blessings and enjoy the well-earned rest. Thank you for giving us hope!

  2. Destination Hope is such an inspiration for me and others. You and April help us realize that hope is ever present in the Light of Jesus and His unfailing love. Thank you for encouraging hope when we most need it.

  3. Jeannie Waters says:

    I’ve recommended Destination Hope to several people already. It is a treasure of hope.

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