A Squirming Boy and Time Change: Lessons for Adults

    As I took my groceries from the cart and loaded them in the trunk of my car, I was distracted by the crying child a few spots over. Squirming and protesting, the little boy apparently objected to walking into the supermarket. Responding to his tired legs, Mom reached down to pick him up, but cries got louder..

I thought Mom had a solution-pick the child up for comfort-but the three year old didn’t buy it. He thought the crying, protesting, and squirming served him better than his Mom’s arms of comfort.  I watched as she walked, and by the time they reached the store entrance, the boy’s head rested on his Mom’s shoulder and he was quiet.

[Tweet “Is that a picture of adults –squirming and protesting too?”]

Our time change last week left me in a brain fog. It was hard to focus and I was tired. I squirmed to make sense of how and when to complete projects. Following my to do list became a challenge. Add to that other life distractions and interruptions and I ended my day frustrated, accomplishing less than I hoped, and not with desired outcomes.

Maybe I should have applied the scene of the little boy and his Mom to my life. Instead of thinking like the three-year-old, I should have remembered his Mom. I should have taken my position in my Father’s arms rather than resist my attempts at solutions to work harder.

Like the Mom who held her boy tightly for relief my Father desires to hold me close and settle into His loving arms. The Message paraphrases the familiar passage in Matthew 11:28-30 to give us benefits of drawing close:

“Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

  • If I were quiet instead of rehearsing my internal rant of frustration, I would have heard words of comfort and affirmation.

“You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!” (Isaiah 26:3 NLT)

  • If I had remembered my position in Christ I would have drawn on His strength, direction, and words, rather than try on my own. Days later, I read the quote at the bottom of my journal (Jesus Always), “As you settle into your rightful position, My redeemed one, your restlessness yields to calmness. This is how I lift you up when you stumble.:( Sarah Young)

“Search for the Lord and for his strength; continually seek him.”  (1 Chronicles 16:11 NLT)

Lessons from little boys and time changes offer opportunities to respond to the ultimate solution of accepting God’s invitation to rest, listen, and live in His strength.

What about you? Have you squirmed and results were less than ideal? What parts of God’s invitation have you found restful, encouraging, affirming?


And we have a winner! Congratulations to Leigh Delozier who was selected by random drawing to receive a copy of Refresh Your Prayers by Lori Hatcher.

    The Conversation

  1. This is sooo good and so timely for me. Thank you for these reminders, Marilyn.

  2. J.D. Wininger says:

    Great points Ms. Marilyn. We’ve all certainly had days like this. In fact, I’m pretty sure I’ve had years like that. 🙂 As always, enjoyed your post and appreciate the godly guidance.

  3. God made us children with parents. We grow up to become parents. Through these seasons we see God’s perspective with us as His children Great message.

  4. Marilyn, I felt foggy after the time change too! I love Jesus’ invitation to find rest in Him.

  5. Jeannie Waters l says:

    Marilyn, I needed the verses you included. I love the picture you created of the little boy resting on his mom’s shoulder. This statement challenged me to rest in Him: “ If I had remembered my position in Christ I would have drawn on His strength, direction, and words, rather than try on my own.”

    • Marilyn Nutter says:

      Jeannie, I am so glad today’s post met a need for you. John 15 has been resonating with me- remaining + abiding = resting. Thanks for adding to our conversation. Marilyn

  6. You might be an author if you observe an ordinary event and share it as a lesson for the rest of us. Marilyn, I loved the message you developed based on the squirmy little one and the peace and comfort he found in his mother’s arms. As one who has spent a lot of time squirming and avoiding seeking God’s peace, I am glad my Father was patient with me and helped me come to my senses. While not perfect in reaching out to Him in times of trial and challenge, I’m so grateful my Father has loved me faithfully and mentored me on my journey with Him.

    • Marilyn Nutter says:

      Thank you Katherine for offering us the idea that our Father mentors us, not only as instructional, but with love and kindness. Marilyn

  7. I can feel like that squirming boy too, Marilyn. Sometimes we focus more on what is happening in life than we do on the One who can calm our squirm. Thanks for sharing the Scriptures about peace. This is where our comfort comes from.

    • Marilyn Nutter says:

      Agree, Barbara-focus, dwell, rest, remain. I repeat often when I begin to squirm.

  8. Annie Yorty says:

    Parenting my kids has taught me so much about the heart of God. I can see myself with God so easily when I’m in that role. And, sad to say, at times I’m not much different than a two-year-old.

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