A Sweet Encounter: Chocolate and Kindness

During a trip to the beach last week, my friends and I stopped at a chocolate shop. A photo of the famous Lucy and Ethel candy factory episode triggered laughter and the aroma of chocolate beckoned us toward the candy counter.

While we were browsing, a kind gentleman asked my friend Dot, “If you could have any day you wanted what would you choose? Would it be a Marvelous Monday or a Terrific Tuesday?”

He had our attention and that of the other customers. She paused to think and said, “Well today is Tuesday.”


We all wondered where he was going with his question. He pulled a card from his pocket and proceeded to tell us it was his wife’s idea to make the cards and encourage people to have sweet days:

Start with a Marvelous Monday, proceed to have a Terrific Tuesday, then appreciate a Wonderful Wednesday, embrace a Thrilling Thursday, embark on a Fantabulous Friday delight in a Super Saturday that inspires you to fully appreciate your Sensational Sunday.”

Harrison gave each of us cards as reminders and completed his purchase-buying chocolate for his wife of sixty-seven years. My friends and I ate a chocolate sample, made a purchase, and left with smiles.

On the reverse side of the card, he had written 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. Love is kind.

In Ann Voskamp’s book, The Broken Way, she challenges us to “be the gift” to others.  In an era when we communicate by texts and emails, we were blessed by the extraordinary treasure of a kind stranger who chose to have a conversation to sweeten our days, so we could share with others. We had a terrific Tuesday.

We couldn’t stop talking about it on the way to our next stop and into the evening. We may not have cards to distribute, but how does this encounter inspire you?

    The Conversation

  1. Cindi West says:

    Wow, love and chocolate in the same post! You can’t go wrong with that winning combination!

  2. Marilyn, I love this sweet post. (Pun intended) Sometimes a simple smile can warm the heart of another person and kind words can offer encouragement. The couple in your story added value by including Scripture. Thank you for this post which encourages us to enrich the lives of others.

  3. Marilyn Nutter says:

    Thanks for leaving a comment, Jeannie. Yes, that gentleman encouraged us and now that I have shared, his “mission” stretches to motivate us.

  4. Oh, what a sweet gesture, Marilyn! And, isn’t it cool how, now that you’ve written about this on your blog, that gentleman’s efforts are multiplied way more than he’ll ever realize! How special is that? How special, too, that he’s been married for over sixty years and buying his wife chocolate! That’s a testimony right there, too, right? Thanks so much for sharing!

  5. Harrison Lowe Hays III says:

    WOW! What kind comments. You have made this Terrific Tuesday special for me.

    • Marilyn Nutter says:

      You are welcome!! And I’m sure you will be getting sweet chocolates for your precious wife:) Marilyn

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