Don’t Waste the Moment: Creative Kindness

Alexas  Fotos from Pixabay

Stumbling on treasures in unexpected places brings joy to my life..This morning, Streams in the Desert offered a  scripture about giving a cup of cold water  (Matthew 10:42) and showing kindness to others. A poem by Margaret Sangster was included and I ran with it—reading her poetry and brief biography. These unexpected treasures added value to my early morning.  After I read the first lines of her poem,

“It isn’t the thing you do, dear;

It’s the thing you leave undone,

Which gives you a bit of heartache

At the setting of the sun.”

I made a list in my journal with the heading “Don’t Waste the Moment”:,

“be the reason someone feels loved, noticed, supported, welcomed, seen, heard, understood, valued, hopeful, remembered, prayed for.”

In our time of distancing and change, we’ve lived with limits. Many of us haven’t done what we normally do or would like to.. Each of us has different opportunities, yet with a dash of creativity and a bit of time, we can still reach out to others and not waste moments.

My grandsons set treat bags on my neighbors’ porches with a note from me wishing them a bright day. The thank you notes and calls I received relayed how meaningful it was to them and my grandsons lived a lesson in kindness..

Each of us has different limitations and opportunities, but we have all have onea word to share in some format -a call, note, text, email…. Make that two opportunities. We can pray for someone today.

Now or later today, after you’ve poured a cup of coffee or a glass of iced tea, click these links and ponder these scriptures (Luke 6:31 Galatians 6:9 Galatians 6:10 Colossians 3:12) that speak of kindness, and take a look at Margaret Sangster’s quotes. for more inspiration.  Now, for the full poem. and a question:

The Sin Of Omission

by Margaret Sangster

It isn’t the thing you do, dear;

It’s the thing you leave undone,

Which gives you a bit of heartache

At the setting of the sun.

The tender word forgotten,

The letter you did not write,

The flower you might have sent, dear,

Are your haunting ghosts to-night.

The stone you might have lifted

Out of brother’s way,

The bit of heartsome counsel

You were hurried too much to say;

The loving touch of the hand, dear,

The gentle and winsome tone,

That you had no time nor thought for,

With troubles enough of your own.

The little acts of kindness,

So easily out of mind;

Those chances to be angels

Which every one may find

They come in night and silence

Each chill, reproachful wraith

When hope is faint and flagging

And a blight has dropped on faith.

For life is all too short, dear,

And sorrow is all too great;

To suffer our great compassion

That tarries until too late;

And it’s not the thing you do, dear,

It’s the thing you leave undone,

Which gives you the bit of heartache

At the setting of the sun.

What speaks most to you in your sphere of influence?

How can you “be the reason for someone” and not waste the moment?

    The Conversation

  1. It’s those little “in between” things that can make all the difference in someone’s lives isn’t it ma’am? That’s what I call those little acts of kindness like you describe. They’re what we do in between the big things we do each day. There’s always lots of opportunities each day, but few of us take the time to use the gifts God gives us to help another. What a blessing your article was today ma’am. I love how your grandsons are learning kindness and generosity by participating in your acts of godly love toward others. What great life lessons you are teaching them.

    • Marilyn Nutter says:

      “in between” yes- I call them unexpected treasures and serendipities that aren’t small at all but carry big messages. Thanks for adding your wise words, JD.

  2. Cathy Baker says:

    What a thoughtful and creative idea! You’re right. We all have opportunities to show the love of Christ, regardless of circumstances. And getting your grandsons in on the action is the sweetest!

  3. Such a great reminder that even in these strange times we can still be the hands and feet of Jesus! We can still be the Church reaching out to others serving and blessing them. Thanks for that reminder.

    • Marilyn Nutter says:

      Sandra, welcome to my blog and this conversation. Though impeded in many ways, yes, we can do something as my grandsons with their little feet showed my neighbors. It blessed me more than those who enjoyed the treat bags. Marilyn

  4. Jeannie Waters says:

    Marilyn, you DID find treasure in the devotion you read and added jewels of your own. What a beautiful post! The word “noticed” stood out to me in your list. (“be the reason someone feels loved, noticed, supported, welcomed, seen, heard, understood, valued, hopeful, remembered, prayed for.” When wearing a mask, I’ve wondered if people I pass can see a smile in my eyes or a nod. You remind us of small acts of kindness that mean so much to others. Thank you.

    • Marilyn Nutter says:

      Jeannie, Yes, “noticed” not overlooked. How easy it is to do the latter. And always treasures if we take time to notice–as on my morning walk this morning. Marilyn

  5. Barb Fox says:

    Aaaah, I have felt that ache so many times. And it is so fulfilling to do good things for others… so why do I procrastinate? Thx for reminding us that giving is such a big part of the abundant life God offers.

    • Marilyn Nutter says:

      Glad to have you join our conversation, Barb and glad that today’s thoughts resonated with you. Blessings, Marilyn

  6. I love this idea: “Be the reason someone feels loved, noticed, supported, welcomed, seen, heard, understood, valued, hopeful, remembered, prayed for.” Thank you for sharing!

    • You’re welcome. I hope we can all keep this in mind when life returns to a “more normal” pace. I often thing of “being the reason” for cashiers and those we pass anonymously. Marilyn

  7. I love the way you created happy memories for so many and trained your grandchildren at the same time. Delightful post!

  8. I love the poem and what you are teaching your grandsons. I once heard a great writer say the things he regretted most in his life were his failures of kindness. We can all “be the reason.”

  9. Joanna Eccles says:

    I went to Chick-Fil-A last night and got so focused on my three methods of payment that I didn’t actually make eye contact with the cashier. These plexiglass things bring even more separation. I am convicted that I need to SEE people and share words of kindness and encouragement instead of rushing to get out of the store faster.

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