Good morning: Prayer

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and the winner is….

Good morning! I’m so glad many of you found last week’s post on prayer helpful and encouraging. Crickett’s study book is one that will stir your heart and rethink the awesome gift of prayer.

As promised, I drew a winner for Crickett Keith’s book…well, my grandson drew the name from all who responded with a comment. The winner of a copy of On Bended Knee is….. Cathy Baker!

Please private message me your email and mailing address and Crickett will get a signed copy to you.

Meanwhile as you start your day, I offer this to you

Inspirational morning prayer

Father, clear my sleepy head and fill my mind with expectation

Awake my slow body and energise my heart with love in action.

Ignite my spirit and set this day on fire with promise.

Make the ordinary extraordinary.

Engage me, show me your kingdom alive

Help me to see that every waking moment

Is full of promise because of you.


Read more:


    The Conversation

  1. Congratulations, Cathy!

    Marilyn, thank you for starting our day with this beautiful and powerful prayer.

  2. You’re welcome, Jeannie. Yes powerful and rich to hold on to throughout our day as we see God work. Marilyn

  3. Yay Ms. Cathy. Congratulations ma’am. And a wonderful “Good morning” to you too Ms. Marilyn. 🙂

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