Morning Walks: Once in a Lifetime

Image by Ashish Bogawat from Pixabay

My Facebook memory popped up reminding me three years ago, people in the US were buzzing with anticipation of the solar eclipse. Our city of Greenville hosted over 400,000 visitors to view a once in a lifetime event.

The August 2017 eclipse was the first since 1918 with a path of totality– a total solar eclipse–where the moon completely covered the sun crossing the Pacific and Atlantic coasts. Its path occurred exclusively within the United States, making it the first such eclipse since 1776. It won’t happen again for sixty years. Facebook recorded the moment with posts of photos, comments, and a well-known scripture, “The heavens declare the glory of God and the sky above proclaims His handiwork,” (Psalm 19:1)

A once in a lifetime event. So is my morning walk. I don’t take it for granted. Two years ago a fracture sidelined me. My walks have become a precious privilege-not only gratitude for strength and stamina, but gratitude for the beauty and lessons from creation I take in as I walk:

  • Our surroundings could be black, white, and gray God gave us but the gift of color.

  • Weather is unpredictable. Some days bring heat, breezes, cold, humidity, rain. All remind me there is One with infinite power and design.
  • Perennials, annuals, and seasonal flowers call me to be thankful for variety. There is a right time for blooming and a time to wait.
  • Changing leaves and evergreens remind me to embrace change, but there is One who remains constant and trustworthy.
  • Cloudy and sunny days bring the important truth that Jesus unites sorrow and joy in His consolation and comfort. (Psalm 94:19)

Yes the eclipse was impressive and memorable, but our morning walks can be too. Nature teaches us much—our human limits, God’s power and provision, and an opportunity to nourish our souls by taking in His gifts of beauty.

“God has, in fact, written two books, not just one. Of course, we are all familiar with the first book he wrote, namely Scripture. But he has written a second book called creation.”Sir Francis Bacon

What’s impressive about your walks? Do you take them for granted? How can you make each walk a once in a lifetime moment, adding treasures to your life experiences?

    The Conversation

  1. Cathy Baker says:

    What a lovely post, Marilyn. I miss leisurely walks. Out here, bears, foxes, and coyotes can quickly emerge from the wood’s edge along the narrow road so I can only walk when it’s convenient for my husband but when we go, I definitely have a new appreciation for it.

  2. Amen Ms. Marilyn. You’ve hit on a secret many who live in “the concrete jungles” of the big cities may never experience or realize. Each sunrise, sunset, and moonscape is different. God makes each day in His natural world different and beautiful; each in its own special way. In the same way, He does the same with His children. It is in finding the beauty within each natural thing (including people) that reminds me of His greatness as Creator each day. Thank you for this wonderful reminder. I pray you can get away to the country once in a while and look up at the sky at night when there’s no artificial lights around. Each time you close and reopen your eyes, you’ll see more of His majesty appear. 🙂 God’s blessings dear friend.

  3. Jeannie Waters says:

    Marilyn, what a wonderful perspective you offer. Each day’s blessings, including our view, are unique. When we walk at the river park, I take pictures to remember striking flowers or cloud formations. After reading your post, I’ll treasure the blessings of God’s creation even more.

  4. Jeanne Doyon says:

    Lovely post, Marilyn. My favorite walks are when I am not thinking about ‘getting my exercise in’ but rather take my time and have my camera along. I love capturing things. A busy butterfly, a stone building, rushing waterfall, flowers in bloom. So, that is my intent this week–to take a fun walk.

    • Marilyn Nutter says:

      Thanks Jeanne. I take pictures too-sometimes stop in amazement but never tire of the variety of beauty. Enjoy your walk!

  5. […] this is the second in a series of Morning Walks. Click here to read […]

  6. […] I welcome guest blogger Cathy Baker, a friend and fellow writer, to be part of our Morning Walks series. Read how her walks led to deeper […]

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