National Book Month Blog Give-Away ~Pure Honey: Part 3

In our National Book Month series, it’s been fun to share favorite books and experiences, but we can’t close the month without discussing the most popular book ever written.

The Bible is the world’s best-selling book of all time, with no other book coming close. About 100 million Bibles are printed each year, and 20 million are sold in the US. Sales figures for the Bible average between $425m and $650m, year after year, and dwarfs sales of all other books. That means Bibles are sold or given away at a rate of

  • 273,972 a day
  • 11,415 an hour
  • 190 a minute
  • 3 a second

It’s easy for us to read Bibles on apps and search for verses on the internet. We can load software with different translations and definitions to clarify. We have our pick of devotionals filled with scripture. How many Bibles do we have in our homes? Yet, our Bible in print was not always as accessible and came to us at great cost. I’m not pursuing a church history lesson here, but two men who translated our Bible into English, John Wycliffe and William Tyndale, were persecuted and proclaimed heretics. Wycliffe died of natural causes, but years later, his remains were exhumed, crushed, burned and thrown into the River Swift with contempt. Tyndale was burned at the stake with copies of his Bibles at his feet.

We have Bibles at our fingertips–even the stroke of a keyboard to find a verse and compare translations in minutes.

Sixty-six books written by forty men with different personalities and backgrounds, representing different times in history, offer us divinely inspired history, poetry, wisdom, music, principles for living, examples of failure and success, guidance, love, comfort, encouragement, and more.  Psalm 19: 1-10 (NIV) tells us

The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul.

The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple.

The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart.

The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes.

The fear of the Lord is pure, enduring forever.

The decrees of the Lord are firm, and all of them are righteous.

They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold;

they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the honeycomb.

Yes, the Bible is the best book ever written, not because it makes sales records and publishers may have marketing savvy, but because of a desire to know God and how He changes lives.  Preserved despite persecution, the apostle Paul said it well, “And because I preach this Good News, I am suffering and have been chained like a criminal. But the word of God cannot be chained.” 2 Timothy 2:9 (NLT)

Tell us how scripture is real for you. What is a verse that meets you where you are—one of comfort, wisdom, encouragement?  Do you have a life verse? Do you pray scripture for yourself and others? How does scripture change your life?

Our blog giveaway closes at midnight October 31. As many times as you comment, or new subscribers, will be entered in a drawing for a book on my website.

    The Conversation

  1. God’s word is the foundation that I try to stand upon in all aspects of my life. I stand on His promises while praying for others and myself. I rely on His word for strength, courage and guidance as I face life’s trials, and I use His word to help me shine His light and love into this darkened world. Most of all, I use His word to comfort me when I fear I have failed Him in my human life.

    • Marilyn Nutter says:

      JD, Your comments summarize how the Bible is a “fit” for all seasons and occasions. Thank you for sharing. Marilyn

  2. Hi Marilyn! Thanks for reminding us of the sacrifice of those who persevered through difficulties so we can have the Word of God in our life. His Word will never be snuffed out no matter how the devil tries.

    • Marilyn Nutter says:

      Exactly, Barbara. We have our pick today- styles, translations, mobile and hardcover. Because of easy access and availability, I think we often forget it wasn’t always that way, and in some places still isn’t. Thanks for taking the time to comment. Marilyn

  3. Jeannie Waters says:

    Marilyn, thank you for highlighting what a treasure we have in God’s Word. Psalm 32:8 is a verse I read often.
    “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you.” This verse reminds me of God’s presence, watch care, and guidance.

    • Marilyn Nutter says:

      Jeannie, that is a “go to” promise for any situation and season and one I often lean into. Thanks for sharing, Marilyn

  4. Beautifully written words about The Word. Aren’t we blessed to be to have such access to it? Thank you for this lovely reminder.

    Peace and grace,

    • Marilyn Nutter says:

      Thank you Tammy for your kind words and joining our conversation. Yes, I hope we never take our access for granted. Marilyn

  5. Thanks for sharing, Marilyn. I didn’t know the stories of Wycliffe and Tyndall – what sacrifices they made! One of my favorite verses is Psalm 34:8 – for a number of reasons, mostly because I love to cook and eat, haha, which I think are treasures from God, but, that verse has always encouraged me to recognize, with ALL my senses, that God is good!!

    • Marilyn Nutter says:

      Julie, I think most of us are surprised by the work and sacrifices many made, when we have the Bible in different media so accessible. Love your verse selection and we’re kindred spirits there. I’ve been thinking lately about recognizing God in all of our senses, too. Thanks for sharing, Marilyn

  6. Barb Fox says:

    Psalm 19 – such a great reminder! After listening to an evening news forecast, or listening to the radio, my spirit is often down. I am sad that there is so much hurt and brokenness and I feel so helpless. Then I read God’s Word and it is full of beauty, empowerment, and truth. It convicts, but offers forgiveness and hope. It encourages. It reminds us to keep the “long view” in sight. God is so gracious to give us these Words!

    • Marilyn Nutter says:

      Yes, Barb, keeping the long view and the high view as our focus. Thanks for joining us. Marilyn

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