National Book Month: Give-Away Part 2

Thanks for sharing your reading experiences on the last blog post. I enjoyed reading every comment. Some took me to a trip down memory lane.

The bookmobile! A library on wheels. Just going inside to air conditioning was a relief from a hot summer day, but to find just the books I wanted was icing on the cake. Incidentally, when I searched for a photo of a bookmobile, images of a mobile phone with a book popped up. Look for a future blog discussion post on that.

Saturday trips to the library with my own card. I still see the librarian stamping the due date with precision to stay on the lines. My friend Patty and I would compete to see who could fill the front of the card first, then on to the back, and need a new card. When did you get your first library card?

Book series: one of my joys as a Mom, was finding the Betsy-Tacy series in a specialty store years ago while shopping with my oldest daughter. That simple errand became a treasure-not only buying candy making supplies, but I bought the first two books, then found the others. Just as I did as a child, my daughter devoured the series set at the turn of the century. When she became a Mom, she passed them on to her daughter. Have you had books passed down to another generation?

Legacy: many shared memories of Mom reading to them, and Moms reading to their little ones now. What’s one of your favorite moments? I’m still turning moments into memories. I recently read four books to my grandsons. The next day, the older one gave a summary of each one to his Mom.

Open highways with no end in sight: reading takes us places we had never been and may never see except through the eyes of an author and our imagination. When I was recovering from a childhood illness (no shots for measles or chicken pox then), my Mom bought a book for me. I lived in the city, and although I was near Lake Ontario, I had never traveled to the ocean and never saw a seashell. The book she chose was Honey Bunch and Her First Visit to the Seashore. Even sitting in bed, propped with pillows, I traveled to the shore via a book.

Now, let’s look forward and offer open highways: share a book with a friend this week, read to a child, or thank an author via a book review. Attend a fundraising book sale, donate books, contribute to literacy projects. Any other ideas?

I’ve been wrapping hundreds of gifts for “Operation Santa”. Every child will receive an age appropriate book, among other presents. If you buy Christmas presents for underprivileged children, consider including a book among your gifts

“The more that you read, the more things you will know.

The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.I Can Read With My Eyes Shut …Dr. Seuss

Or perhaps you can brew a pot of tea or coffee, find a good book, and disappear as you travel to a new place and meet new characters.

For those who may be reading this blog for the first time, the give-away closes on Oct 31. New subscribers and everyone who comments will enter a drawing for one of my books featured on this site. (see the post on October 7) Join our conversation. We’d love to hear more about your reading choices, those who influenced you, and how you are passing on the extraordinary treasure of reading and the gift of books.

    The Conversation

  1. Bookmobiles and library cards. Remember how exciting it was when you were finally old enough to get a library card? I used to love to look in the pocket and the check-in/check-out cards to see who may have read the book before me. It would be exciting find a friend who had read the same story. I would seek them out and we could talk about the book. I guess I’ve been a “geek” for a lot of decades haven’t I? Have sure enjoyed this series Ms. Marilyn. Thank you for sharing with us ma’am.

    • Marilyn Nutter says:

      I can relate and now my grandson has his first library card. Reflecting on our experiences takes us back to simpler days and we can’t help but smile and be thankful. I appreciate your joining the conversation. Marilyn

  2. Katy Kauffman says:

    I loved The Children’s Bible that had realistic illustrations. It made me love Scripture and see it as a treasure chest of stories.

    I also liked the Mandy series which was about a girl in the pioneer days. It was in my church library.

    Quest for Celestia is a current favorite. A retelling of Pilgrim’s Progress, written by Steven James.

    • Marilyn Nutter says:

      Katy, I love seeing the Children’s Bible as “treasure chest of stories”, a description we could use for any anthology. My girls read the Mandy series, too. Thanks for joining the conversation. I hope people will pick up reading recommendations from the comments. Marilyn

  3. My husband has all of his Hardy Boys Mysteries, and I’ve read a lot of them to the kids during our homeschool days! So much fun! My adult children still reference various scenes in some of the books to this day! Such good memories!

    • Marilyn Nutter says:

      Yes, we know how we remember spoken words–those that hurt and lift up, but what a responsibility and influence an author has in putting word to the printed page. And isn’t it fun your adult children can connect now over those childhood reading moments? Thanks for sharing. Marilyn

  4. I’m heading away to a Men’s Retreat where I’m speaking this weekend, but I’m the first session so I’m planning to bring the second book in C. S. Lewis’s Space Trilogy, setting up a hammock somewhere in the woods and hiding for a while. I can’t wait to get alone with a thermos of coffee and a good book.

    • Marilyn Nutter says:

      Josh, Even at retreats we can always retreat with a good book. Enjoy your quiet and adventure rolled into one. Marilyn

  5. I loved reading all of these experiences. The children’s books were on the first floor of our main library. I remember repeatedly checking out “Jeannie Marie Counts Her Sheep!” My middle name is Marie!

    Marilyn, I’ve looked for Honey Bunch books for years. I think I had two and loved them!

    I read the Trixie Belden series and Nancy Drew. My daughter read the Mandy books and the Betsy-Tacy stories.

    Like Katy, I remember the pictures in a big Bible story book we had. I still recall those pictures when I read about Bible characters.

    Thank you for a post that led to sweet book memories.

    • Marilyn Nutter says:

      You’re welcome, Jeannie and thanks for sharing yours. Today’s reading on a Kindle, though I read some books that way, don’t hold a candle to the memories we have of holding books in our hands and the experiences associated with them. Marilyn

  6. Cathy Chung says:

    Yes! The Book mobile and its air conditioning! That’s a memory. And the dark wood and smell of my town’s library.

    • Marilyn Nutter says:

      Thanks for joining the conversation, Cathy. It’s amazing how our senses take us back to places and experiences many years ago. I bet you had a picture in your mind when you typed your comment:) Marilyn

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