To Do and To Be Part 3: Interruptions

Interruptions. They distract our focus while we’re cooking. They show up as inconveniences when a friend needs our help, but we have much to do and not enough hours. Unpleasant emails interrupt our peace. Situations beyond our control-like bad weather at the beach or a flight delay disappoint us. We always meet interruptions-some minor, some disruptive.

In this series on doing and being, let’s begin then, asking, what do we do with our interruptions?

The best place to start is by looking at how Jesus thought about and dealt with interruptions. If ever anyone was on a mission of obedience to fulfill His Father’s plan and give His Father glory, it was Jesus. He had places to go, things to do, and people to see.

How was He interrupted? What happened when his mission was interrupted?

  • Jesus was interrupted by the bleeding woman in a crowd who reached out and touched the hem of his garment, desiring healing from an ailment that had plagued and ostracized her for years. (Luke 8:43-48)
  • He was interrupted, as a wedding guest, when His mother told him, “They have no wine.” (John 2:1-11)
  • His walk was interrupted when blind Bartimaeus pleaded for sight to be restored. (Mark 10:46-52)
  • On His way to a Jewish festival, Jesus noticed an invalid at the pool of Bethesda. He had a simple conversation with that man who had suffered an infirmity for thirty-eight years and healed him The miraculous healing, which took place on the Sabbath, led to conflict among the Jews. (John 5:1-15)

I[Tweet “In all of those events, Jesus was engaged in something else, but He was willing to be interrupted and even criticized.  Why?  Being interrupted was also part of His Father’s plan and was part of His mission.”]

Is that how we can look at interruptions?

  • Could the inconvenient phone call be a time to say yes to a request that will lighten the load of the caller? Maybe help with a project or solution to a problem?
  • Is the conversation in the store parking lot that delayed us, part of our mission to encourage or even boldly pray with our friend?
  • Is that unpleasant email that disturbed our peace, an invitation to pray for the sender?
  • Is the flight delay or bad weather at the beach, an opportunity to trust God?

In Part 1, we talked about doing and being. So, as I close out this series, let’s ask the same questions. What do we do? How can we respond? Who can we become in our interruptions?

Let’s take our cues from Jesus who had many things to do but was willing to be interrupted. In his book,  Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools, Tyler Staton writes, “Jesus was intentional and interruptible. There’s a word for that posture: unhurried. Hurry is the great enemy of the spiritual life. Why? Because hurry kills love. Hurry hides behind anger, agitation, and self- centeredness…”

Jesus was willing to be interrupted. He was not in a hurry. Jesus loved.

Results went beyond providing the best wine at the wedding, or new life because physical conditions were healed. The recipients and those around them observed Jesus’ willingness to take time and touch. They saw the glory of His Father.

[Tweet “What about us? How can we turn inconveniences and interruptions into tools to become who God wants us to be, fulfill our mission, and be an influence?  Willingness, time, presence? Do you have experiences to share or  words of advice for us?”]


    The Conversation

  1. Marilyn, this is a great reminder for us to be patient in our daily interruptions. They can be keys to meeting someone else’s needs.

    • Marilyn Nutter says:

      Thank you Barbara. I know we can read of other interruptions Jesus experienced. Sleep is another when the disciples were afraid in the storm! His examples cause us once again to examine our attitudes. Marilyn

  2. Jesus was and is so patient with His people. Even now, He is willing to be interrupted by us. We can call on Him in prayer at any time. Your message reminds us of how blessed we are.

    • Marilyn Nutter says:

      Thanks Katherine for reminding us of how we interrupt with prayers. Marilyn

  3. Interruptions can feel like the bane of our existence, but sometimes they’re the blessing we don’t know we’re waiting for. “Jesus was intentional and interruptible” — I love that and need to practice more of it in my own life.

  4. JD Wininger says:

    Well said author. Are they interruptions or “divine appointments?” Perhaps the perspective we take with them determines how well we handle them. Sometimes, I realize how selfish I can be. Other times, I walk away thanking God for the opportunity to serve Him through the moment.

    • Yes I have considered them divine appointments too! I wonder how many blessings I miss or who on the receiving end is deprived of a blessing when we take a human perspective? Thanks for commenting. Marilyn

  5. I try to see interruptions as holy. I’m not always successful, but when I pause to ask God how He wants to use me or what He wants to teach me through the interruptions, it puts a whole new slant on them.

    Thanks for reminding me that Jesus had to deal with interruptions too!

  6. Marilyn I loved this post for a ton of reasons. Being vs. Doing. And the topic of interruptions. Oh my, this has become such a conviction on my heart. How I react to interruptions needs some work! I need to see God Sovereign in even those details. Thank you for your post and wise words.

  7. Nancy Ruegg says:

    I’m so glad you shared that Tyler Staton quote, Marilyn. Too often I’ve hurried through my days, pridefully ticking off items on my to-do list, self-centeredly focused on MY agenda. I want to do better–Lord, help me!

    • Marilyn Nutter says:

      Yes, Nancy, I stopped reading and thought about that too. Thanks for taking the time to join the conversation. Marilyn

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