Treasures in Storage Rooms and Quiet Places

He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the LORD is the key to this treasure. Isaiah 33:6 NIV
It happened again. I turned the newspaper page to an article on a new self-storage facility coming to town. Several storage units have been built in my area recently. Now, a bigger and better one was scheduled for a Grand Opening.

What is there about self-storage units that appeal to us, and why are there so many? Is it place to store valuables, excess that doesn’t fit in our house or apartment, things we don’t use, but can’t part with? I used a storage unit to de-clutter my house and stage it for prospective buyers for a more appealing look. It worked.

It was amazing how much I could live with…and without.

In Matthew 6:6 (NIV) we read, “But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”

Houses in Bible times had the original open concept – no doors to separate rooms – with one exception. In this passage, the room had a door. It was the place to store valuables.  

In the KJV translation, we read “enter into your “closet”.  I recently had shelves put into a closet so I could eliminate clutter, discard some things, and arrange what I really needed. I appreciate the organization and simplicity.

Either way – a room or a closet – we need a place of quiet, away from clutter, where we can pray and hear God speak. He shows us His treasures. In His quiet presence, we de-clutter our self-storage that represents the accumulation of the unnecessary or the undesirable. We receive God- treasurespersonally designed for us: wisdom for decisions, peace in anxiety, compassion in struggles, a word for the moment. 

                     Pam’s prayer parlor

Each time we meet, we experience a Grand Re-Opening, and His reward comes. He shows us what we need, and His resources to supply. We eliminate the clutter from our lives, reorganize, discard, and find valuables in our new space.

There are some things we can’t live without. His treasures – those we find in that quiet room alone – are some of them.

Do you have a quiet place? What treasures have you found as you de-cluttered in your quiet place?  Share your valuables with us.

    The Conversation

  1. Cathy Baker says:

    You are so right, Marilyn! We had two storage units (sigh) and stuff stayed there for months while we prepped our house to sell. I don't think I missed anything! There is something about a decluttered and quiet space that refreshes the soul. I guess my place would be in the nook off my dining room where I have my time with the Lord in the morning. Beautiful post, my friend.

  2. Thanks, Cathy, for sharing. Yes,once we take the time away from "noise", we see such value in de-cluttering and quiet.

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